Wedding Photography

Aug 17, 2010 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza

This love started with a boy and a girl.  A boy not sure of marriage, and a girl sure of love.  And sure enough they found each other!

It wasn't coincidence, it wasn't by chance, it wasn't a random meeting at a bar, this relationship was fate.  Let me explain.  Amber is a teacher, and at parent teacher conferences one of her parents, Cheryl, tried to hook her up with her handsome cousin Sean.  Amber was all no way, so of course she didn't pursue.  Then a year later while coaching cross country, Cheryl again tried to convince Amber that dating her cousin was the best idea ever.  Amber must have given in because Sean called her and they had a fateful first date.  I guess the rest is history because after 5 years of fun, they are now married.

The day started flawlessly.  A warm breeze in the air, blue skies, and Amber with all her besties getting ready for her big day.

The dress was perfect.

The flowers were perfect!  This is the 3rd wedding I've seen use Hy-Vee and each time the flowers have been this good!

Minus the fact that she had a few butterflies, Amber was perfect!

Her bridesmaids were gorgeous and ready.

Makeup and hair...Perfect!  Thanks to Alecia and Shannon at Shag Salon.

But then the skies went from blue to grey black.  And sheets of rain started coming down.  While everyone followed the Doppler radar, I prayed to the rain gods. Amber wasn't so worried about the rain because she knew at the end of the day she would be married to the man of her dreams, her best friend, Sean.   So while the rain poured down I headed to see Sean as he prepared for his big day.

Just as we arrived at the chapel the Gods granted my request because the sun was out and there was a big blue sky.  It was hot, sweaty, humid, did I mention it was horribly hot, but it wasn't raining.  And the bride and groom were glowing.

The picture below was taken by my mighty assistant Cara Doumitt!  She is so talented!

Amber and her momma are so close, so this is picture perfect.

The chapel was perfection!  Pilgram Chapel

And as they exited there were bubbles.

The bridal party was fab!  They were up for anything like walking down the middle of a Kansas City street.

Typically the grooms are ready to get to the reception in a hurry, but Sean loves photography so we were able to get some fabulous pictures.

They are so in love that taking beautiful pictures on their wedding day was easy.

This one might be my fav!  There was this most perfect golden light coming in and hitting Amber perfectly!  Not to mention their expressions are magazine quality!  Kudos!

You know I can't resist a cute baby!

Amber you are absolutely gorgeous!

Amber and her mom are close like sisters, act like sisters, and look like sisters!  So cool!

Boulevard beer, wine, Italian cookies, and cake.  This is the perfect night for me.

The reception was at Boulevard Brewery.  I'm so proud of this Kansas City landmark so I was excited to shoot the reception.  The weather was flawless so everyone stood out on the balcony most of the night.

Amber and Sean I have no doubt you will have an amazing life together!  Full of love, babies, and adventures to remember.

It's a good thing this girl was able to convince this boy that marriage was for him because they make a perfect team.

If you or someone you know is interested in booking a 2011 wedding, please have them contact me.  I only take on 10 weddings a year and currently have 6 scheduled for 2011. 🙂  That way I can give my brides my whole heart!