Family Portraits

Sep 17, 2010 · In Family Pictures · By Allison Carenza

It was the most perfect day.  You know when the weather is so good you don't even notice it.  Not to cold, not to hot, that kind of good.  Golden light, blue skies, perfect temperature, and a family excited to have their pictures taken.  Life was good, and I was happy.  Long story short the Trober had the hook up, they know the owners of Stephenson's apple orchird.  The owners suggested we take pics at their old hunting cabin down by the pond.  I'm all sure, sounds good, right?  Well, minus the crazy adventure it was good, more than good, it was perfect.

The only  real downfall was that it's not easy to get to.  I'm just saying, it was a good thing Christina had her 4 wheel drive because the drive to the cabin was not a smooth one.  We off roading it, which has it's perks, we saw a flock of wild turkeys, and some deer.

When we pulled up to the log cabin I was in creative, photographer, heaven.  It was small,  tiny really, just 2 rooms, but the rustic old logs, and the golden light pouring in made this location a dream.  Not to mention the ivy growing off the roof, and the tall natural Missouri grasses growing all around.  Ahh, I could go on and on.

The shot below is backlit.  I turned their backs to the sun and exposed for their skin tones.  It blows the sky out, but in this situation it's ok, because it looks great.

I'm lovin' the door in the background.  Looks eery, but cool.

Maya just lost here teeth, isn't it awesome!  I'm so proud of her for giving me her full grin!

I love love love the light in these pics.

Wowzer!  Christina your are fiercely hot.

For this shot I stood Christina out of the direct window light, it's too hot.   For window light shots stand your subject just out of the direct light.

I plucked this picture out of magazine, for real, they look hot.

We did deal with quite a bit of nature, but it was so worth it.  The big guy on the right was like 3 inches long.  I had to destroy his web to get this shot.  I also almost backed into a nest of about 5 spider eggs.  Nasty!

This shoot was more than memorable.  I loved my time out in nature with the Trobers.  Thanks guys, I'm already looking forward to next time!