Wedding Photography

Sep 29, 2010 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza

She didn't want someone else to do her hair, or her makeup.  The fact that she was putting on makeup at all was going to be enough.  She knew Brice would love her no matter what she looked like, he always had.  As she got ready she would occationally check the clock, but other than that you would never guess it was her wedding day.  Her confidence was amazing.

Lindsay arrived at the church in just enough time to walk down the aisle.  She got married at little Rosedale church, a very urban chuch where Brice coached a basketball team for boys that don't have much else.  Both Lindsay and Brice are big givers in their own way.  Brice is a devote Christian, and true to the Christian message he gives back.  I know he always will.  Lindsay is a dog lover and spends her weekends driving around the city, finding homeless dogs and then finding homes for them.  Lindsay has also made her career all about helping others.  She's a social worker,  we should all give thanks.  Combined these two have enough love in their hearts for the whole world.

Lindsay has a heart of gold, but she's also got some spunk.  Check out these rockin blue shoes!

I hope you can see the glow in these pics!

Love Love Love

Lindsay's mom with her nephew, and Brice's parents.  Happy.

This kiss lasted quite awhile and then they exited with joy!

Went across the street to an old run down house that had ivy growing up the side.  Gorgeous light and gorgeous couple.

Lindsay and Brice had a morning wedding, so their reception was all about brunch.  They had their reception at The Cashew, which I'm pretty sure has the most amazing light in the city.  With one whole wall of windows facing the north it was a photographer's dream.  Check it out!

Lindsay you are gorgeous.  Thanks for letting me be your little paparazzi during this pics.

Ummm did I mention her dress was gorgeous!

They did this A LOT!  Too cute.

The best part was the root beer floats.  What an awesome idea!  I think Jon enjoyed two.

Lindsay was on the dance floor waiting for Brice, when he got there she threw her arms around him and smiled and kept smiling the whole dance.  Brice just held on...tight!

Lindsey with her girls.

Brice you're a stud, thanks for being so awesome!

It was sunny, 100 and noonish, but the two rocked the shades while we tromped around the plaza.

Lindsay and Brice I'm not going to say the obvious here, but I really really want to.  You two are a great team, and without a doubt will change the world!