Engagement Pictures Photographer

Oct 15, 2010 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza

They share a love for music, sushi, books, and experiences.  She doesn't like to clean the house, but he doesn't mind asking her for help.  He doesn't like to be off his planned schedule, but she doesn't mind leaving early.  It's a give and a take in their love, but in the end they both like to have experiences that are memorable and fun.  They make their friends a priority, but more importantly they make each other the first priority.  Their love is a strong one.  I know this, because I've known Cara since 6th grade.  Don't aah,  because we weren't friends, she didn't like me, but not without good reason.  I moved to a new school in 6th grade, and the only way I knew how to fit in was to be funny.  It was like I learned to be funny over night.  I guess the cool kids thought I was funny too because they accepted me, and for the first time I fit in.   So when one of the cool kids told Cara she needed windshield wipers for her glasses because she spit when she talked, I laughed.  At the time I didn't realize how badly I had hurt Cara, one laugh really can scar someone.  So for the next 10 years Cara wrote me off, literally scratched me out of her yearbook.  We even shared mutual friends, but never shared more than casual pleasantries.

Then in my 3 year teaching she was placed at my school teaching the same grade as me.  God wasn't giving up on us!  It wasn't until the second year we taught together that we became unseperable.  I'm just so happy she's in my life, and now Ian too.  They are perfect for eachother.  I love the way Cara smiles when she's with him.

We spent the evening roaming around the city taking random pics in random places.  Wherever the light was good.

The pic below was taken in the bottom floor of Revolution, a cool old warehouse.  The owner Patrick told us we could go in and check out his collection of antiques from all across the country.  Then he invited us upstairs, where someone was throwing a fundraiser event for young architects, or something like that.  He took us to the bar and forced us to get drinks and told us to stay and eat and drink.  We didn't, but we wanted to, it's just we were running out of light.  The funny thing is that Cara and Ian have been searching the city for a cheap, unique place for their reception, I think we might have stumbled upon something great.

Remember that smile I talked about...here it is.

Cara, I am so proud of you!  Your really worked it!  Seriously!!!

Just two cool cats hanging out in an alley!

This is one of my favorites.

You really can't tell from the pictures, but Ian Hates having his pictures taken.  He had to have 2 beers before the shoot.  I think he kinda likes it now. Maybe...

As you can see, there was lots of kissing!  They just couldn't keep their hands off each other.  Especially once Cara put that short dress on!

I love you two so much!  I just can't wait for your wedding in Mexico! xoxo