Southern Plantation Wedding Photographer

Oct 6, 2010 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza

I remember I was walking around Costco the first time Brooke brought up Justin's name in conversation.  She said it casually, “I met a boy”.  I jumped at the opportunity to hear more because, well Brooke is always guarded with her heart, when it comes to men.  “What? Tell me more.”  As though my enthusiasm was a reminder of her heart she quickly brushed it off as no big deal.  I didn't stop though, I forced her to tell me how they met, what he was like, and how long this had been going on.  She made it seem simple, no big deal, but I could hear her smiling through the phone.  I knew this boy had broken down a wall.

So when I met Justin for the first time, it was no surprise Brooke was glowing.  He constantly showered her with attention and affection.  She was being treated like a queen, as she should be.

A few years later, and many memories it's their wedding day.

I was the lucky photographer, and because Brooke and Justin are perfection, and the location was amazing, this wedding was a photographer's dream.  Here's the story of their wedding day.

On the right is David, the owner of the plantation,  a fine southern gentleman, and as refined as the genuine silver you see below.  He's all about following the rules of etiquette,  anything less is not  suitable for his house.  He was also Brooke's wedding coordinator, and one of my favorite people at the wedding.  When I left, I thanked him for a great day, and he told me I had met the wildest man in the south.  I don't doubt that for a second.

Audrey, Brooke's mom was a rockstar.  She was cool, calm and collected.  She was gorgeous, helpful, and loving.  I guess I now know where Brooke gets it.

David took care of the flowers, the cake, food, and planning.

When we first arrived at the plantation we quickly realized Brooke's dress did not make the drive over.  So we waited, for about 35 minutes.  But, Brooke was a rockstar with no stress at all.  The dress did eventually arrive, but the shoes did not.

No one could find the missing shoes.  So while we funbled around trying to find a solution, David came to the rescue.  He pulled these white shoes from his very on closet. Women's size 8, Brooke's size.  We had a lot of laughs about this one.  But in the end David really did save the day.

The flowers were gorgeous, as was the house, and of course the bride!

Brooke has the most loving friends, all of the bridesmaids were a dream to work with.

Brooke and Justin opted to have a first look, so we were able to get some amazing photos before the ceremony.  The one on the right is their first hug after seeing eachother.

Ohhh the light...bless you!

The boys looking very GQ.

The light in the greenhouse was something fierce, bouncing all over the place, and making Brooke look like an angel.

Did I mention the bridesmaids were great!

There were a lot of these smiles during the ceremony on the steps of the plantaion.

Didn't even notice the teal ceiling until post production.

This is Riley, Brooke's brother.

Hello Bling!

Justin is everything Brooke described him to be.

The house had a garden with perfectly trimmed hedges well over Jon's head.  And the field on the right was just to the left of the house, there were actual cows out there.

After a perfect wedding, on a perfect day, with the most perfect bride and groom, these were the last shots of the day.  Just looking at these pics I can feel the closeness.  Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Gantt!