Engagement pictures

Nov 3, 2010 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza

Selena contacted me last January and told me she wanted to give her boyfriend a special gift/hint for Valentines day.  Boudoir photos, with a twist!  I love twists, so of coures I was intrigued.  She wanted me to take a hot pic of her in her special undies that said hint hint.  She had been dating her boyfriend Johnny for awhile and wanted to let him know she was ready to be with him forever.  Well, it worked because now the two are tying the knot this spring.

I think the hot gesture is just the beginning for these two.  First of all they are hot!  Both have dabbled in modeling, which made my job oh so easy, and fun.  Second, their love is hot.  I think  you'll see it's clear they can't keep their hands off each other.  But the coolest thing is that Selena looks so different when she's with Johnny.  I mean she's gorgeous, but when she's with Johnny she has a little extra glow, a little bigger smile, and she laughs all the time.  I love that he makes her feel so good about herself, and that he laughs at my jokes, even when they aren't funny.

I tried hard to capture their chemistry in these pics, but you just gotta see it in person to really feel it.

They just seem to fit together well.

In the pic on the right there was this little perfect patch of light that  was so glam.  No flash here folks, just good ol' fashion sun.  The pic on the left is my attempt to challenge myself.  I'm really trying to reach inside and figure out who I am as an artist.  I love it, the process, and the product.

I think they should name their first born fierce.

The pic on the left was taken under a huge cypress tree.  Not really sure if that's what kind it was, but it was gorgeous.  It swallowed them whole with the gooey golden light.

Selena and Johnny I had a great time taking these pics.  Your love is real, and I feel lucky to be the one getting to capture it!

xoxo, AL