When Brooke contacted me and told me she wanted photographs of her twin identical babies and 2 year old  I was all excited for the challenge.  Then it occured to me that maybe I was taking on more than I could handle, especially without Jon around to help.  Until I meet Brooke, her mom Judy, and her girls!

As with any and all twin photo shoots you get one quiet and content and the other starts wailing. And, these girls were convinced the studio was way too much fun to sleep.  Brooke and Judy were amazing and so patient.  Brooke had two goals…a pic of the girls together and and a pic with the sisters together in their tutu’s.  I think it’s always a good idea when you’re working with kids this age to come in with a goal.  So smart.

This is big sister Reagan.  She was awesome through 90 percent of the shoot, and then the last little 10 percent she acted like a 2 year old.  Sassy, confident, and opinionated.  So cute.

It’s funny I just noticed how similar these smiles really are.  Love it!  Alana was so chilled out, she loves having her pictures taken.

You may have noticed they don’t actually look identical, and I’m not crazy, they are.  It’s just they were premature, and Delaney is smaller than her sister.  They both are still teeny tiny even at 12 weeks.

Oh and sometimes twins cry together.  There is a whole series of these pics where they are literally moving their arms around in perfect mirror form.

At the end of the shoot little Delaney decided sleeping in her sisters arms was perfect a perfect idea.  And so did I.

I love these girls!  I hope I get to capture ther beautiful little mugs forever!