Newborns, Newborns, Newborns! Newborns, Newborns, Newborns!

Mar 16, 2011 · In Newborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

I have made it annoyingly obvious that I love newborns, but I can't say it enough.  I love how I get to hold them, and cuddle with them, and then hand them back when they get stinky diapers.  Right now I would say 75% of my clients are newborns.  It's awesome.  I can't get enough!

Here's a little guy I got to hang out with yesterday!  Meet Braeden...

These are his adorable parents Addam and Lindsay!  I loved how they oohhed and Ahhed when I showed them the pics on the back of my camera.  Even Addam.

Oh and looking at this pic you might think Braeden is like a 3 month old.  Nope, he's 2 weeks and huge!

I love when this happens!  Maybe next time I'll be able to see both of their dimples.


What a wonderful baby and even more wonderful family!  I absolutely loved my time with them.  It's funny how often I feel like I've known my clients forever even after just a few hours.  Sigh...I love my job!

Braeden, you are perfection!