One Year Pics~ Kansas City

Jun 28, 2011 · In Children PhotographyFamily Pictures · By Allison Carenza

Getting to watch kids grow up in front of my camera is one of the great joys of my job.   I've known little Colton since before he was born, and now he is turning ONE!   I can always count on Colton for one be cute!  He always shares his adorable smile with me.

His sister Claire was loving the balloons I brought.  Especially the pink polka dot balloon that matched her outfit.  That is, until it flew into a tree.  Not even 3 yet and talking in complete sentences, it's easy to forget she's still a 2 year old.  She wouldn't stop talking about the pink balloon even though I had others.  She would cry for a second, and then move on, but not for long.  Eventually she would remember.  So when her mom Amy explained that now the birds could enjoy the pink balloon.  It should come as no surprise to me that her response would be, “Have the birds bring it back down”.  Wow!  What a smart girl!




Seriously!  Look at those curls, and adorable eyes!

They both have the longest eyelashes!

We grabbed this picture right away.  I always try to get the family picture out of the way first before the little ones get bored with me.  After trying to get a great pic of the 4 of them for a year I'm so excited we were able to capture this.  Even though Claire didn't have her nap.  What a perfect family!



I love the Yoder's!  Colby, Claire, Colton and Amy, you are so much fun!  I enjoy my every minute I spend with you!
