The Horwitz Family

Jan 3, 2013 · In Family Pictures · By Allison Carenza

It doesn't get much better than this.  A beautiful fall day at dusk, Loose Park, and one of my most favorite families.

This was literally the first shot.  I always seems it's the first shot with the Horwitz's.   I mean I took a few more to be sure I got it, but we quickly moved on because with these ages moving fast is key!  But I have a feeling this family picture is going to be on their walls a long long time!

That was the first shot, and these were some of the last.  So much love!

And this shot was just lucky!  Greyson and Lyla rocked it!  But as you can see Lyla is only on one foot to give her a quick get away.  And she did a half a second after this was taken. 🙂  Greyson is always Mr. Perfect!  And Ren is the best at working the camera.  What a doll.

Oh what cute boys.

Haha!  Greyson we don't blame you!