2 year pics

Jun 13, 2013 · In Children Photography · By Allison Carenza

I've been taking Lindley's pics since she was just a week old.  Now she's two, with a huge personality and bright eyes that scream I want to have fun.  Taking pictures of a two year old is a trip.  I find it's best to just find a location where we can be moving, constantly.  And moving we were, here, there, and everywhere.

I met Marisa, Cory, and Lindley at Antioch park in KS, a new location for me, but I loved it, so many great photo ops with great light, a beautiful pond, and little ducklings too.


When I'm photographing a 2 year old I have to be fast, and usually I don't have any idea what I got, really, so I just keep shooting and hoping I captured that moment, the one that best represents the little.  I totally think this image represents Lindley at this time in her life.  Beautiful.


Maris is such a great momma.  LIke mother earth. She's amazing  What a great moment.

And there's Lindley biting that bottom lip again.  So cute.


Most of the time we were chasing Lindley and trying to keep her from joining the geese in the pond.  This kid has no fear, and she's fast.


Love this moment.  We had to chase down Lindley a couple times, but we manages to pull one off.

rob1rob5Oh how I love photographing 2 year olds.  Lindley you're a doll! xoxo