The big TWO!

Apr 23, 2014 · In Children Photography · By Allison Carenza


I joke that photographing 2 year olds is much like herding cats, but I'm not really joking.  Most of my parents come into the studio nervous for their 2 year old shoot because they know their two year old doesn't exactly follow directions...ever.  And its totally ok.  I let the kids run and move and jump on things, and I capture the faces and expression in between those fun things.  Yes, photographing a 2 year old is a challenge, but it's also a great age because the emotions I capture are so very real.  They haven't learned the camera face yet, and their not afraid to show you their ugliest faces, which sometimes turn out to be the best expressions.  Sometimes I have to ask myself what do my clients want and need in these images to help them remember their two year old, just as they are.

This is little Eleanor and she is 2 and so full of life.  I had the honor of documenting these precious moments in her life.  I hope you enjoy.

2 year old picture

I get pretty attached to my families and the Aversman family is one of those families.  Unfortunately new opportunities are taking them away from KC. 🙁  But hopefully not before I get to photograph baby #2.  Another surprise!  I can't wait!

I'll miss you guys.  Maybe I can take your pics when you visit!

family picture