Baby Keegan

Dec 28, 2016 · In Newborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

Meet little Christmas baby Keegan!  I've know Keegan's momma Sarah since she was a tot herself.  We started our relationship at Sierra Stables in Indep, riding horses, and participating in a local 4 H group. Yup.  I was a 4H er.

It's hard to believe she is a mother now, and a great one at that.

Little Keegan was a dream baby during our shoot at my home studio in Lee's Summit.  He slept and cooed, and did all the most perfect little baby things.

And did you notice all that newborn baby hair.  I just couldn't get enough.

I never force a baby into a pose, but little Keegan felt so comfortable with his toes up under his arms.  Like he'd been sitting like that for months.


Sarah you are going to have such a great time with little Keegan.  He will be the greatest experience of your life.