New and Improved Blog!

Mar 1, 2010 · In Baby PhotographyChildren Photography · By Allison Carenza

This is my first post on my brand new blog!  I have to admit I don't really like learning yet another program, but it's like a new phone after awhile it feels like home.  The following pictures are of two of the most beautiful babies ever!  Below is Easton, and I know this is a severe crop, but I love it because it's all about the eyes.  Please enjoy viewing the photos and feel free to leave a comment, I would love your feedback!

Just playing with his belly button!

He's like seriously guys, enough is enough!

This is a picture of Cole.  Cole was such a great 5 year old.  He was willing to do everything I asked and then some.  I'm not really sure what he's doing here, but I'm really sure it's pretty cute.  If you look closely at Cole's eyes he's got two different colors in there.  I might have to post some more of him later so you can get a close up.  What a great kid!

And then there is Andrea with her boys.  I love this pic, Cole is so perfect, and Easton is so whatever I'm a baby and cute what else do you want.

Ok this picture is my favorite.  Andrea and I put the boys in the chair and told them to look cute when I went to get my camera I realized Cole had his finger over his nose.  When we asked what's up, he told us “he's stinky”  with a big grin.  LOVE IT!!!  Of course we told him it was fine and got the shot before changing Easton.  The others were more ideal, but I like this one more because it shows just how tolerant Easton is.

And then there is some momma love.  Andrea is such a loving mommy.  I can tell her boys are her life, and she loves everything about them, even whey they're stinky because my goodness most of the time they look like this. Who can resist this face?

Andrea thank you so much for picking me to capture your boys and all their faces.  I had so much fun and I look forward many more shoots.