Bat Mitzvah pictures

Apr 18, 2010 · In Portrait Photography · By Allison Carenza

So I haven't even begun to download the hundreds of pictures I took at the Bat Mitzvah on Saturday.  I did however have the red carpet pictures downloaded.  Let me explain...

This Bat Mitzvah was for Melanie, the adorable brunette third from the right.  She wanted her party to be movie star quality complete with a red carpet entrance, paparazzi, and Taylor Lautner.  I'm pretty sure the following picture isn't that far from reality for poor Taylor.

Melanie was so much fun to work with and her party was happening to say the least.

These pictures were taken by my best friend, husband, and business partner Jon.  While I was off capturing more serious shots he was snapping away.  He was amazing and surprisingly good at getting the girls to act normal, despite the fact that the real stud was behind the camera.

I love this shot. The girl on the right has got true sass! I'm lovin' it!

We'll title this one obsession!


You might recognize the guy on the right.  That's Ian and I shot his Bar Mitzvah in the fall.  He's already grown up soo much.  In fact they all have.  It was odd.  The big dance of the night was “snowball”  which is  a slow dance when every few minutes the DJ says snowball and they have to swap partners.  I think it was a nice way to relieve some of the awkward pressure of being 13 and “liking” people.

Ok if this picture isn't all 13 year old boy I don't know what is!  Just look closely.  Enough said.


Gotta love the candid.


Look for more pics of Melanie!  I have tons!  Can't wait to dig into them.