Belly pics

Jun 15, 2010 · In Baby PhotographyNewborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

This is Keira and she just became a big sister.

But before that big day we had to take some pics of her with her momma Devin.  They were comparing bellies.  Keira was totally confused as to why her belly doesn't look like Devin's.

She has the most beautiful hair that does a good job of framing her face and sometimes hiding it.  I didn't mind, in fact I loved it even when she was teeny tiny.  I've know Keira since she was a week old when she came to me for newborn pics.  She was absolutely adorable and her head was covered in thick hair just like now.  Below is her announcement that I was able to dig out of the archives.

Jason and Devin you look the same, but my little Keira you have definitely changed.  What a gorgeous little girl!  Thanks for letting me take your pics.  You were awesome to work with!

This one just leaves me staring.  I can't even find the words, they're stuck.

Congrats on your new little addition!