Cute Kids! Photographer

Jun 27, 2010 · In Children Photography · By Allison Carenza

Owen is now 1!  It's crazy how time flies.   I've been takin' this little cowboys pics since he was itty bitty.  Usually he is very timid and quiet, but not during this shoot.  He was crazy, fun, and all over the place.  It's funny how comfortable the kids that grow up in my studio get.  I love it.

Howdy partner!

Yes!  I would define Owen't eyes as electric blue.  And he's got the best serious face ever!

And silly face!

Everybody needs a picture like this of their kids.  We'll call this one saggy diaper.

His shoes were pretty awesome.  His momma Kim and I were cracking up!  How does he even walk on those little stubs.

This is his big sister Izzie.  And big she is.  She's growing up sooo fast.  I remember being able to hold her in one arm.  She's got so much personality, just look. Oh and these these pics were taken at a different shoot.  I highly recommend this method.  Kim is so smart, she knows to get good pics they need no distractions like crazy brother running around.  It gives me a chance to give the little ones my undivided or distracted attention.

Gotta love the little leg sticking out.

Sometimes my favorite shots are the ones where kids aren't looking.  You have to wonder what she's thinking right here.  She does this a lot with her fingers.  Adorable.

We'll call this one cotton candy.  She a puff of cuteness.  Notice the little green jelly belly in her hand.  Nothing makes kids happier than candy.

This is no wall print, but it is soooo Izzie.  She makes THE BEST faces.

Does the picture below remind you of a magazine ad.  Only the model was 25 and in her wedding gown.  Haha

Kim I always look forward to our sessions together.  I'm lucky to call you a client and a friend.