Happy 5th Anniversay!

Jun 25, 2010 · In Specials · By Allison Carenza

Five years ago today I was driving around in my Volvo with my girls getting our hair and makeup done, taking pictures, and having an all around blast.  I remember being so relaxed on my wedding day.  I think because for the first time and maybe the last time in my life, I was sure, sure that I was doing the right thing, sure that I was marrying the perfect man, sure that everything would work out even if it wasn't perfect.  Now on my 5th anniversary, a baby milestone, I'm feeling reflective.  We've had some awesome times together traveling, making friends, throwing parties, and turning our house into a home.  But at this time in my life, this very moment, what I'm really thinking about is how lucky I am.  Lucky to have a man that not only allows me to do what I love, but encourages it.  Not only supports my passion, but helps me find my way.  Spends his evenings and Saturdays holding lights, posing babies, setting up art booths, and chatting with strangers that become freinds.  Jon doesn't always want to be my “light boy”, but he always wants to help me and always with a quiet smile.  How do you thank your husband when he gives so much more than expected.  He is my best friend, my inspiration, and partner in crime.  He is helping me become the person I dream of being, and I love him sooo much for it.  Even better I really like him too.  Thank you bubby for picking me to love.  I am the lucky one...

In honor of our fabulous 5 years together I am giving away 10 free sitting fees to 10 happy couples!

Here's the catch... there are requirements

~  you're a happily married couple with love that shows

~ you've been married 5 or more years

~ you love pictures and haven't had any taken of just the two of you in years, maybe since you were married

~ you have to schedule your shoot in the months of July and August

I can't wait to start shooting these pics!  I've already found some fabulous spots around the city perfect for “just because”  photos!

Oh and one more thing... drinks on me after the shoot!