Big Dreams, and firsts for me.

Jul 26, 2010 · In Artistic · By Allison Carenza

It's so easy when you're a kid to say that ya wanna do this, ya wanna do that, ya wanna change the world.   But something happens as we get older.  I think the world handicaps us with the agreements we start to make.  We start to think that only the beautiful, intelligent, super talented, and “special” people do those things the rest of us dream about.  I am just as guilty as the majority of the world, and every day I still battle those nasty agreements.  I call it head trash, but it really just boils down to excuses that keep me from feeling the guilt that follows failure.  I don't know how far I've come, but I know every day I wake up and try to do something that brings me closer to my ultimate goals.  Slowly the little goals build until I am accomplishing a big goal.  My first art gallery opening is my second big goal!  Someday I hope it's just one of those little goals, but for now, today, it's big.   With this accomplishment comes more fear and head trash to boggle my mind.  Getting the gallery, and artwork together was easy.  Now I have to worry about how to get people to come, how much wine to buy,  what to wear, and how to be “that girl” you know the artist.  That last one makes me sweat.  Knowing I'll be surrounded by my incredible, supportive friends eases the anxiety, but I'm still pretty sure I won't sleep Thursday the 5th.  🙂

I hope you can come out and enjoy the crazy festivities that we call “First Fridays” here in KC.  My signature pieces will be for sale, but I'll also have smaller 8×10 and 5×7 prints for sale as well.    The gallery is just a few doors down form Lulu's noodle house, I'll have a sign out front.  Come by and say hi,  get a glass of wine, and maybe even find something that will look good on your wall.  Oh, and please invite your friends, remember that little bit of head trash I mentioned a second ago.

I can't wait to see you Friday the 6th.  🙂