Newborn Photography

Jul 13, 2010 · In Newborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

Meet Riley!  Looking at this adorable pic you might find it hard to believe she's just a newborn.  The seriousness of this expression belongs on the cover of a magazine, or CD.  But I find it perfect.  It's like she's saying, please give me a bottle...  or hold me... or wrap me in a warm blanket so I can sleep the afternoon away.

Riley was so perfect the whole shoot.  She was a model model, minus the fact that she refused to go to sleep.  Most my babies do.  I think I have too much energy to make them fall asleep.  As long as the little ones stay happy I'm happy.

This is Riley with her daddy Jody.  It is already so obvious she is going to be daddy's little girl!  Jody absolutely adores her, from her perfect tiny toes, to her perfect little eyelashes.

Janee is equally obsessed.  She seemed to have so much intuition about Riley's needs.

Janee and Jody thanks so much for giving me the chance to take these pics.  I hope you cherish them forever.  I'm excited to watch Riley grow.