One year old pics

Aug 1, 2010 · In Baby Photography · By Allison Carenza

In the first year of life, babies change so much.  I only get to see the babies in my life (my clients)  about every 3 months that first year,  so it amazes me how fast they change. They go from scrawny, bony, newborns, that can't even control the direction of their eyes.  To pudgy, happy, wiggly babies that mostly just want to eat and witness the world around them.  Before I know it they're crawling and pictures become a teeny bit more difficult, because now they want to become  a part of the world.  They explore, touch, taste, and want to learn.  By the time they are one they are still rather reckless, but they are now entering childhood, no longer babies.  Ready to walk and start learning to talk.  They still have their adorable baby features, but their adult face is starting to take shape as is their personality.

This is baby Keaton.  An adorable little one year old ready to make the transition into childhood.  And while newborns turn into children fast, I think children turn into adults even faster.

His perfectly soft little feet will soon start getting calloused from walking, running, and tripping.

His little hands will soon be capable of throwing a ball hard, catching frogs, and getting very dirty.

This little look will be for a girl and not the camera.  He had the most grown up serious camera face, but I'm not going to lie he liked me.  While shooting in the studio he would crawl over and into my lap.  I would pick him up and he would laugh.  It's hard to believe he'll be bigger than me someday.

Soon he'll be too cool to hug his mom, or sit on his dad's lap.

And then there's little Sophi.  Also one, and probably the happiest baby in the world!  Seriously, she never stopped smiling.  It was sooo easy.

But eventually she'll stop wanting stuffed animals and start wanting name brand clothes.

Eventually she won't want to sit around topless with a tutu on.  Haha so cute!

She'll learn to be less violent when she kisses.  She's seriously giving her cat a kiss.  Hilarious!

And unfortunately she'll start caring what others think of her, although with Sophia I think she might be the exception.  It seems to me the only thing she cares about is having fun, and maybe being the center of attention.  While I was talking to her mom Bethany, she would randomly squeal.  We would look at her and she would smile.  This one might have potential for the silver screen.  Seriously!

Life goes by fast, enjoy the ride, and take lots of pictures along the way!