Art for me, or art for you?

Sep 27, 2010 · In Artistic · By Allison Carenza

My portrait business is a big part of my livelihood, because I love the people I get to meet and often they become friends.  It's awesome, and right now there isn't anything else in the world I'd rather be doing.  But I know my job is going to have to evolove.  I'm a creature of change, and I want to grow as a professional photographer.  So I've been dabbling in all sorts of photography genre's.  One of which is art shows.  I remember when I would walk the streets of the Plaza Art Fair and think someday I want to be here, doing this.  But it was one of those dreams you quickly tuck away and disregard.  Because the people in those art shows, they are brave, and I am not.  But slowly I've taken steps to make that dream a reality.  A couple weekends ago I had my Indonesia work on display in my tent at the Zona Rosa Art Festival.  I was finally one of those brave artists.  And it was awesome!  People came, they looked, they OOOhhhed, and Ahhhed.  They talked to me about my work, but I didn't sell any of my big pieces.  🙁  I was really sad and frustrated.  I started to wonder if it was my work, if it was me, I started to feel the brave artist melting away with my drive to follow my dreams.  I questioned what's important, to be an artist that has something to share, or to be an artist that has something to sell.  I still don't have the answers, but I do know I need my work to represent the person I am, the life I've lived, and the experiences I've had.  Staying true to my passion is what I'll do for now.  I'll pick my head up, and look ahead because I might not be brave, but I'm tough.

Here are my 3 big ones.  These are all 36×46.  Buddha sit by my at work.