Puppy pictures! ~ Kanasas City Photographer

Sep 28, 2010 · In Dog Photos · By Allison Carenza

Meet Harry!  Harry Winston!  He's a Chinese Crested champion show dog!  Retired already at the age of 2.  He now spends his days cuddled up with his mom Samantha, mostly being spoiled.

I am a dog lover, so when Samantha contacted me to take pictures of her kid, Harry, I jumped at the chance.  Harry started the shoot just like the above picture,  a little skeptical, a little unsure, a little nervous, but it didn't take long for him to warm up, and start flashing us those champion dog good looks.

I think he looks a little like a Fragglerock.  Loved that show!

Apparently this is how Harry sleeps, on his back.  Seriously, this picture cracks me up, how adorable!

Harry might be adorable, but Samantha is gorgeous inside and out!  I just love when a new client comes in and I immediately bond with them.  The more we talked the more we realized we like all the same things.  One of the best perks of my job is all the cool people I meet and become friends with.  I just know this is the case with Sam.

This is one of my favorites!  Dramatic!

Fragglerock maybe, later I realized he's really a mini horse.  I was surprised to find out Sam doesn't trim him.  His hair naturally grows this way.  Like a horse, he's got a mane, a tail, and fluff around his feet.  The hair on his back would be comparable to a mans beard, but it's really soft.  The best part is that Chinese Crested puppies are hypo allergenic.  For more information read here.

I asked Samantha what voice she would give Harry if he could talk.  She thought surfer originally, but he's too classy for that.  We both agreed George Clooney.  He's sophisticated, grey, and too cool for words.  He also totally snubbed my girls when we let them out to visit.

Did I mention he also runs like a horse.

I'm not sure Harry isn't  human in this picture.  I mean it's so obvious he loves Samantha as much as she loves him!

His hair really does look this good.  I wish my hair had that much volume.

Samantha and Harry, I loved our time together, in fact I was sad when you left.  Feel free to come by anytime!

Allison! HOLY COW.
You are an absolute GENIUS!! I literally cried today when I saw that one with Harry's eyes closed when I was kissing him! LOVE IT!! Love it, Love it!! I could not have been happier with the 10 that you put on facebook AND THEN when I saw the whole lot of them... breathtaking! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!
I really cant thank you enough. You captured exactly what I was looking for plus some! And that is an amazing feat as I really had no idea what I was looking for! 🙂