Old Fashioned Love, and a Smokin' Hot Couple Wedding Photographer

Oct 13, 2010 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza

When Allison walked into the hospital room where Matt was working on a patient, it got a little bit hotter.  His attraction was immediate despite the situation.  He was busy repairing someones backside, when Allison came in to assist.  She noticed him too, but it wasn't until later that SHE got up the nerve to ask him out.  They went to a Chiefs game, and afterwards got cozy in the corner of a restaurant, where Matt says they embarrassed the patrons with their nuzzling.  Their relationship started with fire and it hasn't fizzled.  Their chemistry is obvious and it was so easy to capture.  I think you'll agree these pictures are all so fiery hot!

Matt says something funny, Allison laughs.  Repeat and follow up with a kiss.

By the way this car belongs to Matt's dad.  Thank you Thank you Thank you!

A classic car for a classic couple.

Allison is a classy chic!  She found this vintage inspired dress online.  There's really only one thing to say about this dress.  SMOKIN' HOT!  I told you these pics were on fire.

Allison is an occupational therapist and she recently made the transition from the hospital world to the school setting.  Bless her for all she does every day.

I wanted to find a vintage location to go with the vintage car, and the vintage dress.  So why not, Town Topic Burger.  We took some pics then went inside.  Matt and Jon couldn't resist the mouthwatering smells of burgers and had to get some.  I had a strawberry shake that was near flawless.  We ate, and laughed.  I've never taken a break in the middle of a shoot like that, but I loved it!  What great memories!

Love love the fierce pic on the left!

I love KC!

On the car ride downtown I asked them if they had ever taken acting classes.  They laughed and told me no.  After spending our time together I can so clearly see that acting is not in their future because their love is real!