3 month baby pictures

Jan 23, 2011 · In Baby Photography · By Allison Carenza

In Julie's words “it all happened so fast”.  She's talking about love, marriage, and the baby.  Julie had settled into life, content with the idea that her dream of someday having kids was never going to happen.  Then she met Constantin online and everything changed, and FAST!  Their love was like drugs and Julie was addicted.  At first I thought her stories were all to wonderful, and maybe too good to be true.  Until  I met Constantin, and saw for myself how much he adored her.  Couldn't keep his hands off her in fact.  And he knew how to make her laugh.  Big, real big!  It's no surprise their joy was able to make such a little slice of perfection.  Meet Emma.

It was so warm Emma just couldn't hold her little eyes open.

Gonna go ahead and say it...she's a poser!

Julie your affection is warm and refreshing like the sun after a week of rain.

These 2 pics are exactly why no one should ever skip 3 month pics!!!!!  They are so different than newborns or 6 monthers.

There were 82 pictures in this collection,  82 beautiful faces, 82 little memories to hold on to forever.  I'm humbled by my job, I take it very seriously, but love it fiercely!