Me...and the big apple!

Feb 12, 2011 · In Artistic · By Allison Carenza

The anticipation had been building  for weeks.  The original phone calls/ emails, writing the proposal and then the anticipation of whether or not I would even get the job.  But I did.  And I'm here.  In New York City, downtown Manhattan, shooting an ad campaign for a high end tile company.   It took packing the studio and getting on the plane for the reality to sink in.  I thought I would be overwhelmed, nervous, and maybe even scared.  But I'm not.  I'm confident, excited, and in LOVE with this city.  It's nothing and everything I expected and then some.  Today Jon and I spent the whole day roaming the streets.  I carried my D3 in my purse and got to capture a little bit of what I was feeling.  Lovely energy...everywhere.

Our view from our teeny tiny room.  And our lunch location.  Jon was lovin the pastries.

I'll title this one hotdog head!

Some weird ceremony going on in the middle of times square.  Never did figure it out, but the line was really long.  I just loved the video ad in the background.

Some guys walked over and pulled these two flamingos out of the dirt just as I was getting ready to snap the pic.  So, I asked them to put them back for a picture, they did, and told me they were taking a little vacation.  Haha!

I didn't know he saw me.  I was really trying to get the pretzels.  Oh the smells on the streets.  Hot greasy food.

Our little snack.  A reece's pieces pastry.  And, as good as it looks.

The guy in the pizza shop is smiling at me.  Didn't know that until later when I downloaded them.

Musicians make central park so speical, the music, and their love for it.

I turned around and snapped this one off just in time.

Even Jon loves this big city.  There's just something special here.  I hope tomorrow brings even more creativity and lovely energy.