
Mar 10, 2011 · In About Allison · By Allison Carenza

It's been a few days since I got home from the workshop in Santa Fe, and  I'm still feeling the thrill of it all.  I guess I haven't blogged about it yet because it's hard to put the experience I had into words.  I met a lot of awesome poeople that I can now call friends, I learned a ton, and I had fun too.  But I guess what I will most remember is the instructor Peter.  I don't think I had unrealistic expectations for Peter,  I just assumed he would be a little more, I don't know, full of himself, distant, too cool for school.  Ok he's cool, but he's one of the most humble, real, open, awesome people I've ever been around.  He wanted to share everything and then some!  He came to dinner with us every night, he gave up an afternoon off to follow us around downtown Santa Fe and offer support.  He was more than a teacher, he became a friend, and a mentor, and I think the world of him.  It's no wonder he gets all the most awesome shoots, it's easy to love him!


Some of the stuff I learned.

* Fill light is important.  I love dramatic light, but my stuff could definitely benefit from some fill light.

* That I love Flan, and can indeed get tired of mexican food.

* The higher the kicker light or hair light the less fall off.  So that's what inspired the studio search.  PS I think I might have found something awesome!

* High noon full sunlight is awesome.  And I can shoot in it without blowing out the background.

* That it's better to shoot on f8, f11 when using a strobe.  I love to shoot wide open as much as possible, but it really is easier to go high.

* Scrims (a big white sheet) rock!  Even I am smart enough to use one.

* Jajajajaja is hahahaha in South Amerca.

* Prophoto 7b's are the way to go.  I'm gonna have to start saving all my pennies.

* That hobby photogs have have way better gear than professionals.  Sigh...

* That I really love beauty, fashion photography.  I love to be close.

* That my favorite light modifier is a soft box with a grid.  I thought it was a beauty dish.

* That sometimes a long focal length is better.

* That I can evenly light a subject and then take light away.

* That I know a lot, but have so much more to learn!