A tile dress, my first national ad campaign, and reality.

Apr 25, 2011 · In Commercial Photography · By Allison Carenza

I think I come off confident, fearless, and maybe even arrogant.  But...I'm really not.  I mean I use to say  that I was fearless.  And I am, when it comes to public speaking, rock climbing, snakes, meeting new people, and trying new things.  But I'm not when it comes to my photography.   There are so many more talented photogs out there, for me to compare myself to, that often I feel lost, like a single stalk of wheat in a huge field, just trying to be big enough to see what's goin' on.  So today, when I received my Interior Design magazine with one of my picture as a full page ad I felt, well, the same.  It's funny, I thought some of those insecurities would dissolve.  But I'm still just Allison, a Kansas City girl, who loves to play tennis, and gets to do what she loves everyday as her job!  I'm still looking forward, and hoping that someone out there likes my work.  This week I hope to release my new commercial website and I'm eager but anxious.  Here's the ad.  So excited to share!!!!