18 month old pictures

Jun 13, 2011 · In Children PhotographyFamily Pictures · By Allison Carenza

Emmitt is your typical 18 month old.  On. The. Go.  I was the lucky photog that got to take his pictures on this cool summer day.  Here are just a few of my favs.

Emmitt loved to move.

And look.

And smile.  Little Emmitt loved looking into the camera.  It was amazing!

Check out those lashes!

And climb things.  Thanks Ian and Stacey for being so patient.  🙂


I see a little Brad Pitt here!  What a stud muffin.


Dad you can hold my hands for a sec, and then I'M OFF!

What an adorable family!



When I take pictures of kids at this age I have to be prepared for anything.  I picked this cool spot at Burr Oak Woods because it has great light, and allows little ones to move.  When shooting little movers I also have to be aware that I've got a time limit.  They get annoyed with the camera after about an hour.  So in just 40 minutes I was able to capture Emmitt's big personality without making him unhappy.  It was great.  I have to give a hugemongous thanks to Stacey and Ian for being so awesome!  I can't wait to take pictures of Emmitt when he's two and even faster!