
Jul 1, 2011 · In About Allison · By Allison Carenza


It's shocking really.  We're halfway through 2011.  I don't want to admit that I'm screaming inside for the world to slow down just a bit, because it's frightening to think about how fast life goes by.  I guess I'll use the fear as a reminder to live life to it's fullest every day.

So being that it's July 1st it's time for me to look at my 5 year goals again.  I have to admit I don't think I've looked at these since January.  But they're up there in my mind, always reminding me.

Here goes nothing.

1. Photography books

Nope, nothing come of this yet.

2. I want to become more active in a charity that helps families that can't afford high end portraits.

I found a charity and they are awesome.  This next half year I'm going to devote more time and energy to the organization.

3.  Attend a workshop with a fabulous photog that can help me define my style.  I'm getting close, but I know I can get closer.

4. I've been dabbling in all things portrait photography.  This year I want to push myself to look into other industries.  I'm really loving fashion photography right now.  I like to study the lighitng techniques.

5.  I would like to do more travel with my photography.  Not just for weddings, but for family/kid shoots.  I think Texas will be my first trip.

Still looking to make this a reality soon!

6. Hire my first employee.  This one scares me, but I'm most excited about it.  I want someone reliable, but also creative, and supportive.

I'm ready!  Time to start having people send resumes.  I've decided I really need someone with a design background that has lots of creative ideas.

7. Continue to show my Indonesia series around the city, and someday I want to have a gallery opening in NYC!

8. I want to put together a collection of powerful images of kids with handicaps.  My good friend Karren is going to write their stories, and together we want to help raise awareness for these special kids.  I also have an idea for a series of pictures about women and their challenges.  The map has been made now I just need to make it happen.

9.  I'm going to get organized with my time, establish some real guidelines for myself and my clients.

I learned that you have to have a schedule and systems.  Monday is my fill orders day.  Tues, Thurs, and Sat are my shoot days, and Friday is my book keeping, and mail day.

10.  Still need to do better with follow up.  I need to show the clients I love and adore how much they mean to me.

I don't think this goal will ever go away!

11. Read a book that will help me grow professionally every month.

So far, so good!

12. Blog regularly, 3 times a week ideally.  I also want to get better about blogging about the photography business.

Hahah not so much!  But lately I've been blogging daily.  I just feel off the blog bus for a little second!


So not too bad!  I still have a ways to go, and already I'm thinking of the ones I'd like to add on.  🙂  I guess I can just focus on these for the next 6 months.

Have a wonderful day!


Tags: Goals