From belly to baby baby photographer

Aug 22, 2011 · In Maternity PhotosNewborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

Meet Amber.  An ambitious, hard working, fun- loving, party girl, after my own heart.  Even before the shoot I knew we would hit it off.  I could just tell through the emails.  And I was right.  She oozes happy and it totally shows in her maternity pictures.

Her boyfriend Steven knows what he has in Amber, and is pretty goo goo ga ga over her.  They make a great couple, and and even better set of parents.

I was pretty much in love with the couple after the maternity pics, so when the brought me Maxwell at just 5 days old, I was over the moon!  If there is a word to describe the most perfect perfection it would be Maxwell.  Oh and it doesn't hurt that he's already a MU fan!

Check out those dimples.

Oh and even babies get hang nails.

I wish I could show you just how in love Amber is with Max.  It was obvious, and adorable, and she even spent some time convincing me that I need to have a baby so I can experience it too.  She told me she doesn't need much sleep so sometimes she lays awake watching him sleep.  Wow!!!

This big boy is definitely going to be an athlete like his daddy.  I doubt he'll even come close to fitting in this sack at 3 months.

And he loved to smile while he slept.

I think this last picture pretty much sums up the shoot.  This is Maxwell as we're cleaning up.  Seriously. LOVE!

Steven, Amber, and Maxwell, I think you know how I feel about you!
