A Beautiful wedding, and more beautiful couple

Oct 19, 2011 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza

They met in college.  Jenny wasn't looking for love, just a fun time.  Ryan was a frat boy, and also looking for a good time.  So when Jenny and Ryan met their plan for life was changed...for the better.  He made her laugh, feel happy, and have fun.  Their love is the kind others envy.  It's easy, comfortable, and meant to be.

 I was the lucky photographer that got to observe their big day through my camera.  I tried my very best to pick the best pictures to sum up the day, and their relationship, but I'm afraid photos just can't do it.

The flowers were perfection and done with extreme talent by Licata's flowers in Raytown.  They don't take on many weddings so this was a real treat!

Jenny loves her bridesmaids, and I did too.  These girls are awesome, and oh so helpful to me.  They were happy to be there for their good friend.

Pink Pink Pink Pink!

This is Parker, Jenny's niece and she is like a daughter to her.  She's probably Jenny's second love to Ryan.  Parker is admiring Jennifer as she gets her dress on.

The girls had so much fun, and were smiling like this all day!  I loved it!

Jon took the shot on the left.  He's getting so good, I just can't help but feel proud!  We are becoming a true team.

This was a perfect accident.

Jon took this one too!  I love it!

Now that's a big wedding party.

The wedding was at the beautiful Hawthorne House.  I would recommend this venue to everyone.

Jenny and Ryan have been models for me before, and you can tell.  Fierce!

LIke I said these girls like to party.  Look at the crowd around them, almost all guys, and staring.  That's because the bridesmaids were hot!

I don't usually like gondola's, especially for wedding pics, but I love this shot.  I had a light coming from behind to give them a rim light.  I think this shot is so Edward and Bella.

Jenny and Ryan I have no doubt you are going to have a great marriage.  You're perfect for each other.  I'm so lucky to be in your lives.  Love you guys!