Sisters Photography

Oct 3, 2011 · In Family Pictures · By Allison Carenza

I grew up with a brother.  And he was older.  Which means I wore his clothes, played his sports, and even spent hours watching him play Nintendo just to be around him.  Oh and it means I was all tom boy.

I didn't have sisters to help me pick out clothes, teach me how to wear makeup or give me advice on what to do about boys.  Oh how nice it would have been to have a sister.  These girls will grow up close, closer than any best friends get.  Yah, they'll fight, but they'll love each other again by the end of the day.

Part of what makes these three girls particularly cool is their different personalities.  Already they have obvious differences.  Before you look at the pics, see if you can identify who is who.  Janie is sassy pants, rebellious through and through, rowdy even.  She was quick to defy me, but has a beautiful smile and a let's have personality. She's be super popular in high school, and her parent will worry, but she'll do great in life.

Ashley is sweet, serious, and shy.  She was at the fake smile age.  I had to really get her laughing to get the good stuff.  She's a rule follower and a pleaser.  I imagine she'll have great grades and teachers that love her.  She'll have an easy pick of the college of her choice.

And Mary Jo is last.  Tolerant, patient, and laid back, she loves to smile and go with the flow.  She doesn't cause problems and will have the easiest time finding herself.

All three girls one my heart in no time at all.  I loved taking their pictures and observing their different personalities.

Mom Amber and dad Steve just laugh.  That's all they can do with this rambunctious trio.  I love this picture because it sums up Amber's affection just perfectly.






Were you able to tell?  I feel like this post is like a box of Dots.  You only have to look at the bottom to get the answers, but here it is.

Ashley- Oldest, with beautiful brown hair

Janie- Middle, with long dirty blonde hair

Mary Jo- Youngest, cute curls

