One Big Smile!

Apr 18, 2012 · In Baby PhotographyChildren Photography · By Allison Carenza

Babies don't always come in smiling.  In fact, at little adorable Claire's last shoot she was in, a not so happy mood.  But the stars aligned for this shoot, and I was able to capture her at her very best!  I love this little girl!  Meet Claire.

Momma Melissa is all love.  Her energy is calm, fun, and absolutely adoring when it comes to Claire.  So much for for me to photograph.  I have a feeling this is a picture she will cherish forever.

OH YAH!  On the left, this is Claire's normal face.  She's all about having fun!  On the right is her less common, more subdued take care of me face.

Claire is all... Mom, Dad stop it!  Really, stop it, but keep kissing me.

Oh how I love this family.  When Claire, Melissa, and Michael come into the studio, I get giddy.  It's like seeing long time friends.  I say...make more babies so I can keep seeing your regularly!

xoxo my friends.