Lil miss sleepyhead

Aug 23, 2012 · In Newborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

People ask me all the time what I most prefer to photograph?  Most the time I scratch my head, and say I don't know.  But truth be told, I love it all.  When I'm working with a sleepy baby, all cuddly and full of potential, I love working with newborns, when I'm on location for a shoot and the light is killer, and the subject if fun, I love that, or when I'm in my home studio listening to gushing parents to be, telling me their baby story, I love maternity pics the most.  And when I'm traveling to exotic places and capturing the images of cultures I didn't  know existed, that is my true love.  Truth be told, I'm always surprised by how much I love what I do.

Every now and then I reread my journal.  Last night I decided to look back to this date, and found a sentence that best describes how I feel about what I do.

August 22, 2011  “The year is almost over, well more than halfway, and my goals have of course changed, but I just keep surprising myself with the never ending supply of love in my heart for what I do, that allows me to think so creatively.  The Universe really does have an amazing way of working.”

I think it's that love that I take to every shoot that helps me pull the very best out of my subjects.

Sometimes I even make that dad's feel good.  Here is a sweet message from RJ the day after our shoot.

“You are a great photographer, and even a better person.  I really wish we could make it the 27th, not only because we obviously will take as many pictures of Rileigh that we can get our hands on but also because we genuinely enjoy your company. “

I melted and then copy and pasted it to my “pick me up” list!

Thank you Kristi, RJ, and little Rileigh!