Pure JOY

Oct 25, 2012 · In Family Pictures · By Allison Carenza

I admit, I get a lot of joy out of doing what I do.  In fact, I'm in a solid state of joy 90 percent of the time period.  So there's really no word to describe the way I feel when I get to take pictures of my most beloved clients, like the Madigans!  Joy x 3 googles is close.  I  feel like that crazy aunt from far away that just loves to take pictures.  In fact, I probably play up that part a little too much.  But the time goes by too fast, and I find myself rapid firing questions during our shoot so I can get caught up on the past year.   At the end of the day I'm left with the beautiful images.  Which really is all that matters.  I got so much joy shooting, processing and editing these images.  I hope they bring you a bit of joy too.

Eva HAD to peek in the door of this little house.  Her analysis.  “Well, I don't think it's where a princess lives, there are pots everywhere.”

If you're not smiling right now, you might need to go to the doctor.  PURE JOY!

I love you guy!  Nuff said!