All kinds of faces!

Jan 11, 2013 · In Baby Photography · By Allison Carenza

Oh my!  Meet little Reagan!  She was so very serious during our shoot.  Just kidding.  She was a complete hoot to photograph.  I loved every second, and we captured some priceless moments.  Always my goal.  Look at those big girl teeth coming in!


That's a good looking girl in that there balloon!

Oh Reagan, stop, those blue eyes are melting my heart!

She's a thumb sucker just like me when I was a little.  I know it's a bad habit, but it's so cute!!!!

I love cake!  I hate cake!

My job as a photographer is just amazing!  I get to work with these little people that are going to grow into big people that change the world!

xoxo Reagan and the Bollingers!