3 months of complete perfection

Mar 18, 2013 · In Baby Photography · By Allison Carenza

Oh Brody...I've started this post and deleted it over and over again because I just don't even know how to summarize your perfection.  I guess I'll just have to leave it to the photos to do the work for me.


I do want to say that Cori is so very in love with this little man!  She was so involved during the whole shoot which I just love!


But if I'm being honest, taking pictures of Brody is pretty easy.  He has so much joy.


What a sweet moment.  I'm so so so so happy we were able to capture it.  Cori came to me with this photo idea, which I absolutely love!   You see, Brody loves to be close to his momma when he's upset, one day while comforting him she happened to walk past a mirror and knew this was a moment we had to capture.


Brody you are a dream baby!  For real!  I think your are awesome!  Can't wait to see you again soon!
