My face hurts...

May 22, 2013 · In Children PhotographyFamily Pictures · By Allison Carenza

I love this family.  They've been with me for a couple years now and every shoot just keeps getting better and better.  I cherish my clients, hold them close to my heart, and value the responsibility they give me to capture these very important moments!

The Sims are one of those families.  I look forward to our shoots, I grow closer to them and their kids every year, and I can't wait for the next one.  After our photo shoots my face hurts from smiling and laughing so much.  I think these photos will best express why and how.  And these are just a few of the random ones I picked out.

These two remind me of my brother and I.  They are so close and I'm sure always will be.


Oh this one is hilarious.  Not sure what I said, but it evoked this priceless moment!




Oh Hailey you are perfection!


Cool guy Jeremy hitching a ride.


What an adorable family to photograph.  I just love them!
