An overwhelming feeling of love

Oct 24, 2013 · In Wedding Photos · By Allison Carenza


Every wedding has a vibe, a feeling, a mood if you will.  I feel it the moment I walk in, and it inspires me.  When I walked in to the Oakwood Country Club to photograph Erin and Thomas's wedding I felt relaxed, happy, and ready to shoot, but I was struck by the amount of love I felt.  Love from the friends and family, love Erin and Thomas shared, and an overall love for life.  It was amazing and obvious.  Let me back up,  I've been friends with Erin for a few years now, we're tennis doubles partners so we know each other well, on and off the court.  We know how to win under pressure, and how to calm each other down when we lose our minds.  I walked into the bridal suite ready  to calm Erin down, just like I do on the court when we have a big match,  but I didn't need to, because she was the most calm I've ever seen her.  That was the moment I knew without a doubt she had met her match.


Erin was calm and relaxed and Thomas was giddy.  The happiest I've ever seen him.  He adores Erin and together they make the perfect pair.


Erin made the most gorgeous bride!  Gah!  I just loved taking her pictures!  Everything from her hair to her shoes was perfect Erin!


They had the best bridal party!  So fun!


During the ceremony Erin and Thomas opted to sign their marriage certificate which I thought was different and pretty cool.  Erin can't stop smiling.

erin10After the ceremony we zipped off in some golf carts to get some shots around the club.  Thomas knew his way because he used to work at the club in high school.  There were soo many shots I wanted to share here.  The light was almost as stunning as the couple I was photographing.


Longest train ever!  So fun.


These two have so much greatness ahead of them.  They both love adventures, having fun, and laughing out loud.  I feel so lucky to have been their photographer, and even more lucky to be in their lives to watch their relationship and family grow.
