Cousin love...

Apr 20, 2014 · In About AllisonChildren PhotographyFamily PicturesPortrait Photography · By Allison Carenza

Maybe it's just that I'm having a brief sentimental moment, or maybe it's the remnants of those crazy pregnancy hormones, maybe it's the fact that having a baby has made my heart grow ten times bigger.  It could be all those things, but I think it's a comment I got on this picture when I posted it to facebook today.   Terry said,  “These guys will enjoy seeing these pictures when they all turn 50!!!!!!”.  That comment struck me.  These boys,  my boys, looking, at a picture of themselves when they were carefree kids, in 50 years from now. I could picture it, all 4 huddled around the picture laughing about Hayes's crazy bunny face, admiring little Kellen and how tiny he was at 6 weeks old, remembering the egg hunt and the puzzle that was hidden inside, and how we lost two pieces in a missing egg.  Hopefully this picture will spark all kinds of memories of the day.  That's why I take pictures, that's why I print pictures, and put them in frames and albums, because someday these little men will grow up and hopefully remember a beautiful day with family!

