Newborn Pictures Photographer

Jun 23, 2011 · In Maternity PhotosNewborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

In college I didn't watch much TV.  Didn't even have one.  Too busy having fun.  But the second semester of my senior year my favorite roommate Megan had a tiny 12 inch TV.  She also had a pretty easy schedule like me, so TLC's was on.  All. The. Time.  I loved the wedding story, but found myself glued to the TV during the baby story.  I loved the love, the belly and the baby.  I also loved the stories of people overcoming great challenges to make their dream of having a baby come true.  With shows like Hoardering: Buried Alive, Freaky Eaters, and My Strange Addiction, there's no room for the simple baby story.

But, Marisa and Cory could have easily had their own episode of the baby story.  They had the love, the challenges, and the happiness.  A perfect recipe for a successful show.



After enjoying marital bliss for a couple years they decided it was time to expand because their love was overflowing.  But soon found it wasn't easy, and it took longer than it should.  They tried almost everything,  then decided to take a break and relax.  Marisa decided to try acupuncture.  She had 3 treatments and found herself knocked up!  When she told me the story, she was a little skeptical that it was the cause of her pregnancy, but she said it was definitely relaxing.  I don't know if acupuncture can help you get pregnant, but being relaxed definitely helps.



She was gorgeous and so relaxed during our shoot!



Cory and Marisa adore each other.  It's so great to be there to capture it.


Just a few short weeks after the shoot Marisa had baby Lindley.  It started at the movie theatre on their anniversary when her water started breaking.  The couple decided they wanted to have control of the delivery and found a clinic that matched their expectations exactly.  One of Marisa's requests was to deliver naturally. And she did!!!  According to Cory without cussing, screaming, or trying to hurt him.  I'm always impressed with women that can make it through the pain. Marisa opted for the water birth, and said it was a wonderful experience.  Although she said she would have splurged for the padded tub.  That makes sense.  She pushed for 2 hours and defined her experience as easy.

Meet Lindley.


I have a lot of firsts during shoots, but Lindley was a big first!  She was a floppy baby!  She hadn't eaten in 2 hours when she arrived.  I thought I might be able to get a few quick shots out of her, but she kept right on sleeping right through all the poses.  An hour later we decide she needs a snack.  Then she went right back to floppy baby.  I mean ragdoll floppy.  It was awesome!!!!

And look at all that hair!


Her Daddy is Cory and he loves her to pieces.  Cory is a small business owner, and I always admire people with ambition enough to start a company from the ground up.  His company Pets Go Here is an online pet supply store.  Check them out here.  They might have something special for your pet.  They even have doggie goggles!  Seriously adorable.


These blocks have been in the family for over 100 years!  Very cool!  I wanted them  for myself, but they're kinda a family heirloom.






I love this family and look forward to many more pictures!  Lindley was so great I offered to pay them to take her pictures!  Seriously!