One Year Pictures!

Jan 30, 2013 · In Baby Photography · By Allison Carenza

Look out world, Grant is now one, and so full of personality he might take over the world!

It seems like just yesterday he was a stubborn newborn determined to stay awake through our whole shoot so he didn't miss anything.  NOW I know why he gave us so much trouble on his 7th day of life, he has the personality of two people.  Happy, Loving, and full of joy!  There were times during our photo shoot he would squeal out with delight for no apparent reason.  I loved it!  What a special little man!

And those teeth!  Oh I how I love capturing new teeth.

Squeal one on the left!  On the right is a picture from his newborn shoot.  Notice the open eyes.  Like I said, none of my baby whisperer type coaxing could put this guy out.  He was bright eyed the whole time!  Look how much he's changed.  I kinda think he resemble Davie from The Monkeys!  Man I loved that show as a kid.  Now the song is stuck in my head.


Squeal of delight #300 on the left.  Moment of serious and analytical on the right!

And then we put Grant in a beer box with a book.  Oh how he loved that beer box!  He thought it was so fun!

Jen, Doug, and Grant, oh how much fun we had together on that awesome Saturday!  Thanks for letting me capture these precious moments!
