Finally a little boy...

Feb 5, 2013 · In Newborn Photography · By Allison Carenza

There's a closeness between sisters, it's a love hate thing, but mostly just a love thing.  That is especially true for Alex and Julie.  Alex is so patient with Julie when she is doing her toddler thing.

But now there a boy in the picture.  Meet baby Jake!  He already knows he's a stud!

These two smiles are so special.  On the left a rare spotting of a true 10 year old smile, genuine, pure, and timeless. And on the right a newborn smile.

And he's got the sweetest little eyelashes.  He didn't want to sleep at the beginning of the shoot, but my sleepy techniques proved impossible for him to resist.

Julie, you're crazy and awesome!

I love the Schriever's!  Thanks again for making me a part of such an important time of your lives!!!
