The following pictures make me feel like a great photog.  That doesn’t always happen, and it feels incredible!  I can’t take credit though, it wasn’t my expensive camera or lens, it wasn’t the rustic awesome setting, it was the girls.  Twin girls!  They  made this shoot flawless.

The pic below is right out of a fairytale.  I’m picturing a new version of Little Red Riding Hood.  I guess it would be Little Red Riding Hoods.

Meet Jenna and Janae.

They started the shoot shy and reserved, but that didn’t last long.  Soon they realized having their picture taken was all about having fun.

They are identical twins, but there are slight differences, both physical and in their presonalities.

Jenna is a little more brave, a little more outgoing, and a little more bold.  Janae is more independent, and slow to trust, but once she does, she’s all love.

Both are alike in so many ways, but different too.

Twins have an undeniable connection that keeps them close forever.

Their parents Joy and Tom have done a wonderful job of fostering their twin connection, but also showing them they are independent people.  What a fine balance.

I met Joy my second year as a teacher.  I guess you could say she was a mentor, but that would be an understatement.  She was so much more.  She’s an amazing teacher to this day, but  I remember when she and Tom were struggling trying to get pregnant.  Like me she put off having kids, so it took a long time.  Just as she was about to give up she got the news.  I’ll never forget the joy she had when she found out she was pregnant, and with twins!  She was so happy!  I’m so happy for her.  It’s so clear Joy’s and Tom’s life wouldn’t be complete without these girls.

THIS is my favorite.  I mean at the end of the day what’s important?

Joy, Tom, Jenna, Janae, thank you soooo much for letting me take your pics.  Words can’t describe.