One Big Smile!

Babies don’t always come in smiling.  In fact, at little adorable...

Love, Laugher, and one strong little boy

Some families are just cute!  There’s just no other way to describe it,...


I think everyone knows I love my job, in fact, I feel lucky every day I get to...

5000 Kansas City Photographers ~ Allison Carenza Photographer

“I had lunch with a gal today who is a photographer and made the mistake...

A sleepy little one

It goes like this.  I have a run of babies that cry and cry and cry.  We...

A beautiful little newborn baby!

  This is Zalia.  A precious little thing that was oh so perfect during...

3 one year olds in one day! ~ Blue Springs, Missouri Photographer

Three one year olds, all in one day, and I loved it.  Each had their very own...

Little Beauty! Kansas City Photography

After all those cute 6 month olds here’s a darling little 3 month old. ...

Almost too cute to be real ~ Kansas City Baby Photographer

She’s like a porcelain doll.  Perfect from her big, blue, shiny, blue...

Cute as a cookie! ~ Baby Photographer, Kansas City

This little dude is so cute I could just eat him up.  I wanted to wrap my arms...