9 months old and growing

It’s Friday and dreary here in KC, so to help brighten your day I thought...

One Big Smile!

Babies don’t always come in smiling.  In fact, at little adorable...

Tough Guy...

The shoot started just like any other newborn shoot, with a sleepy baby in the...

Love, Laugher, and one strong little boy

Some families are just cute!  There’s just no other way to describe it,...


I think everyone knows I love my job, in fact, I feel lucky every day I get to...

5000 Kansas City Photographers ~ Allison Carenza Photographer

“I had lunch with a gal today who is a photographer and made the mistake...

A sleepy little one

It goes like this.  I have a run of babies that cry and cry and cry.  We...

A beautiful little newborn baby!

  This is Zalia.  A precious little thing that was oh so perfect during...

Little Beauty! Kansas City Photography

After all those cute 6 month olds here’s a darling little 3 month old. ...

Cute as a cookie! ~ Baby Photographer, Kansas City

This little dude is so cute I could just eat him up.  I wanted to wrap my arms...